So, this is awkward, I don’t like writing about myself, let alone in the third party…. Who does that? Not me, no… Maria does not like that at all. But you need to know something about me right? Well, I’m going to pretend that you’re in the room and I’m talking to you.
Here goes, I’m Maria, and I’m Irish, hence the name Celtic Charm Photography. I’m a relatively new mother; my daughter is 3 and crazy. I recently moved to the U.S with my wonderful husband and I love it here. I’m a thinker, actually I over analyze everything (even this awful bio), I love zombies, honey nut cheerios and On Demand television (don’t have that in Ireland).
I’m not a mother who fell in love with taking snapshots of my daughter and decided to set up a business, it started waaaay before that, with my Barbie dolls in fact, when I was eight. I took embarrassingly lame photos of my Barbie marrying Ken and had them developed, cringe. I fell in love with photography thirty years ago; it’s always been my life long desire to work at it, so I’ve left the boring business world behind to try and make this work. And that’s it. I’m sorry it’s not more interesting, I didn’t spend the eighties training circus clowns in India or buying and selling sheep in Libya, I’m a silly Irish woman who loves taking photos and making people smile.
This is me and my family!